Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Clinging beings

As a female and a cynical one at that I have observed many women and the one thing I have noticed with all of us (this goes for us who are not "one of them" or "not like other girls" too). We are clingers.

No I am not talking about the chicks who hang and drool all over men. I am talking about our innate ability to hang on to the words of others. We find our selves living up to what we have been told. Pathetic isn't it. We find the underlining meaning behind words, whether it be our bosses, friends or lovers, and we hold on to it.

Think about it girls, we have all done it repeatedly. Even if we had the wrong meaning behind it all along, we can't drop it. The older I get I realize that we don't hold grudges we hold truths. Truths that may have never been but truths to us none the less. I think all of us has that one relationship we are holding onto that in all reality we never had. We have had conversations with our bosses that we leave the meeting confused because three months ago they told us the opposite of the instructions we have just been given and of course we won't bring that conversation because then we are freaks that can't forget. Then there is that dreaded person we can not even see the sight of because they them selves drove the proverbial knife in our back. Chances are this dreaded person was a hypocrite in a conversation or situation that we are clinging too. We females are clingers!!

No quote today just a question: What are you clinging to that you can not let go? What statement won't leave your dome?

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