Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bad days end with my DVR... PATHETIC

I did not have a good day. We all have them, right? Some not as bad as others and none ever as good as the best days of our lives. Some bad days are made by fights with friends and family. Some are made by high expectations that are never fulfilled. Most are just made by a over all bad day, which usually is bad weather with a large work load and a lack of relaxation. I have known today was going to be a bad one since the thunder waking me at 4 am when I had to be at work by 10.

Nothing made this day horrible till I found out I erased the wrong thing off my DVR. I so wanted to spend tonight catching up on Grey's BUT NOOOOO I had to watch an episode on which ruined my couch time.

The worse thing to do to someone who is a tad ADD and put them on a computer. So I blog. At least it is harder to be ADD when blogging. What a long blog it is, eh?

Quote of the day: "You know its a bad day when you put your bra on backwards and it fits better" - Unknown

1 comment:

katie j said...

DVR is one of the greatest gifts to mankind in our age. That, and shows online! Hope you have a great week!