As it is, tomorrow is Thanksgiving ( Are you not all glad I made you aware of this??) While reading one of my many favorite blogs Just a Girl a small but wonderful point was brought to my attention and since it is Wednesday and I vowed to make my Wednesdays about weekly things that grind my gears I figured in the spirit of the Holidays I will make it as light and humorous as humanly possible. So this week is is Mothers and their impossible "My way or the highway" out look especially with Holidays.
Is it me or is it a common feeling with mothers that all things MUST be the way they do them? Whether it is cooking, cleaning or personal beliefs; all of these must be done the way they do them or else...
OH the nagging, the silent treatment and then the look!! Which does not stop till someone complements you on a job well done then you become the child sent

My moms can't cook but pretends she knows how one should cook. These are the following rules...
- You only must use one pan
- Clean as you go
- Everything MUST be cooked at 450
- If it is not burnt and smoking it must not be done
Cleaning is her other nagging point if the throw pillow is not at the right angle on the couch the whole room is a mess. Holy Satan, Zeus and Buddha if there is one stray dog hair the earth may open up and I may at that moment be swallowed alive in to Hades.
These are just a few of my mothers "unique" sides. Also being the number one reason that I will NOT hold the Holidays at my house till I have children and can tell my mother were to shove her ridiculous standers. I will pray for those of you who will be entertaining the fam. Number one prayer going out to Little Miss Pissy (another awesome blog you must check out) this is her first one and because lists are cool.

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