Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What point are we grown ups?

Today at my work some whoha that works "with" me (I don't work in any of her departments but we are always in the building together) called me a kid. I am 26 years old! I am sick of being called a kid!! I have finished college, had a executive position in a corporation, lived on my own, have fed my dog and paid for his bill for the last 4 years and have seen MYSELF through major health complication, does this not qualify me as an adult??

Excuse me for wanting to further my education and taking a step down of the corporate world!! Oh wait one fricken second... she is a 50 yr old in house keeping!! On top of that she has the audacity to have prayer hands on her arm?? I thought A) God does not support defacing ones body and B) You should not judge other, unless you would like to have the same done un to you!!!

Oh I guess I should say the reason I was called a kid... I was wearing pajama pants and hat (I have a thing for silly winter hats, and since it is 29 degrees and a white out a hat is a necessity). I get that a typical person does not wear pajama pants to work... this morning I was lifeguarding!! In case you haven't noticed pools smell like chlorine and chlorine does not smell great, unless you like the smell of bleach saturated into your cloths. I am sorry but I spend money on my cloths and would like it if they did not reek of a pool. PJ pants cost what 10 dollars and I am positive my dog does not care that they smell funny and are discolored around the bottom!! So I ask you what now a days qualifies one as an adult? What I can tell it is something that you must look like and life accomplishment and practicability is NOT considered nor is life experience. I guess you just have to look old an withered and have a dead end job at the same time cut others down!!

People SUCK!


Emily said...

This post probably shouldn't have made me laugh but it did. Mostly because I can relate to the sentiment. I too have been called a "kid" or "youngn" and my first instinct is to yell out "I've got my Bachelor's, asshole." What's funny is usually they can't say the same for themselves. Pathetic.

But anywho...I saw you added me and wanted to come say Hi and Thanks!! Hope you're having a good one! :]

Mous said...

I am thinking that the next time I am told this I am going to ask "What make someone an adult? Saggy boobs and wrinkled eyes?!"