Thursday, December 17, 2009


This year has been long tough and never ending. I am glad it is done and happy to have my life moving forward once again.

WARNING!! This entry will read like a diary so please do not hold it against me.

David and I broke up months ago and though I knew it would be hard but I did not think for a minute that it would be this hard. The years I'll never get back and for the most part I am OK with that. I am still not OK with losing my best friend. There were lots of bad time and the one thing I got from it is how close I want to be with someone. I'll never get back his family or our friends. I am definitely a winner at a losing game. In the long run I am better off but I can't lie and say it hasn't been life changing and that I think about my choice daily but the one thing I know is forever would have been long and bitter.

The Y... AHHH relief!! I got another promotion. I am back to the beginning... aquatics director. It will be the death of me but I am happy with it!! :)

I started... I will finish

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