Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Crazy Thanksgiving... Part One

This is David and my second Thanksgiving and I still do not understand the big family thing since when I grew up it was just my mom and I. Well to put it bluntly David was told that I was loved more than he. Everyone was hoping I was going to come in with a ring and it would be official. To all their dismay this was not the case.

I know that this is it and now I am in the home stretch of my dating life. I do not know how I feel about this. Sometimes it is refreshing to know I never again will have to worry about "will he call again" "is he a player". At the same time I do not know if I am ready to have this be the end of my single days. I truly love him and am more than happy, but marriage? Well that is not what this blog is about and I am sure that one day when I am able to put words to my feelings I will be blogging a very long blog about this. This particular blog is about the craziness of what happened due to the lack of bling on my finger. His cousins Frick and Frack, whom I have come to love busted out in a song I have never heard, Single Ladies by Beyonce. They also started to reenact the AMA performance by her. These two remind me of Fraggles when they get in to this mood. Bouncing and singing like kids. To clear this up, they are older than I am. Fricks mom even was playing the song in the background. Everyone was hoopin and hollerin, the craziness of a family brought together by one cause. Last year no one would talk to me now all they did was bother me. Big Familys? Sooo confusing.


kimberly said...

well, speaking as a person who grew up in a big family and is currently IN a big family, I am gonna say one thing. DRAMA! There is always drama in a big family...good and bad. I, for the most part, ignore the drama and giggle to myself at it. It amuses me.

Also, they were checking you out last year...they must like you, or they would not have been pushy like that. dont get too confused! us big familys are just overprotective...but when your in....your in!!!

ps...as far as that story...i'd like to believe its true too, and maybe saying that it isnt is a front. in any case....i wish she'd hurry up and post again!!!

Jo-Mama said...

Hello Mous. My daughter and I are happy to have found you. We will continue reading and catching up with your blog. Happy Holidays!