Wednesday, November 26, 2008

WGMG: Mothers and THEIR way!

As it is, tomorrow is Thanksgiving ( Are you not all glad I made you aware of this??) While reading one of my many favorite blogs Just a Girl a small but wonderful point was brought to my attention and since it is Wednesday and I vowed to make my Wednesdays about weekly things that grind my gears I figured in the spirit of the Holidays I will make it as light and humorous as humanly possible. So this week is is Mothers and their impossible "My way or the highway" out look especially with Holidays.

Is it me or is it a common feeling with mothers that all things MUST be the way they do them? Whether it is cooking, cleaning or personal beliefs; all of these must be done the way they do them or else...

OH the nagging, the silent treatment and then the look!! Which does not stop till someone complements you on a job well done then you become the child sent straight from the heavens and the sun now shines out your bum.

My moms can't cook but pretends she knows how one should cook. These are the following rules...
  1. You only must use one pan
  2. Clean as you go
  3. Everything MUST be cooked at 450
  4. If it is not burnt and smoking it must not be done
MOM it is my space back off or the next time I cook I may just slip and throw a few laxatives in to your portion. I know there has been a few times with her cooking it has been a requirement unless of course you wish to wage war with your colon. Anywho...

Cleaning is her other nagging point if the throw pillow is not at the right angle on the couch the whole room is a mess. Holy Satan, Zeus and Buddha if there is one stray dog hair the earth may open up and I may at that moment be swallowed alive in to Hades.

These are just a few of my mothers "unique" sides. Also being the number one reason that I will NOT hold the Holidays at my house till I have children and can tell my mother were to shove her ridiculous standers. I will pray for those of you who will be entertaining the fam. Number one prayer going out to Little Miss Pissy (another awesome blog you must check out) this is her first one and because lists are cool.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Major Player List: Douglas

I have a lot of major players in my life. You know the ones who effect you daily. I figure I will start introducing them as I feel the necessity to. The first one is Douglas, my best friend. With out him I do not know who I would be to today. As a girl always around jock itch I try to not get attached to many guys since I tend to be the first voted off the island when a hotter new model is intimated by me starts coming around. Not with Douglas.

He is my own hero. I would not call him the man of any ones dreams then again he has projectile vomited on me many times. He is in the service or technically was. He is currently going to school to be a life timer in our military and I love him for it. He makes sure that the hooker of his dreams (they rotate every few years, he is a serial long term dater) knows who I am and that I am more than just a chick, I am the chick. I am more important to him than his military buddies and most of his family. We are very odd and we like just being us. I bring out a side of him that the college kids he is around have never seen. I have made him cry and laugh, the stories are never ending and I am sure they will live forever in this blog at some point. I love him whole heartily and need his approval for and major life steps. He sugar coats nothing and only supports me if it is truly in my best interest.

There has been many times if I wonder if we should be together, those moments are infrequent and only stick around for minutes. Since then I realize with whom I am thinking of and see him for him. He is truly my brother, best friend, Husband and son all wrapped in one obnoxious package.

I bring him up because Thursday I will get him a way from his 21 (hooker at the moment, whom I happen to love dearly) and I will also be away from my side kick (boyfriend, we will call him Dave). Let me give you a better insight on 21, we are very close and have become so through many trying moments in her and Douglas' attempts to live as "one". 21 likes to come to me for advise, but as any 20 some yr old does never listens (we have all bee that type of 20 some yr old). Dave and I am getting serious and I don't know how Douglas is taking it. For that matter I do not know how I am taking it. As it goes for Douglas and I, though we talk often 21 lives with him and rarely am with out mine. All I know is we are in new territory. In relationships is where Douglas and I differ. I like to see what is out there where he hates change and the getting to know you stage. I think I am permanently done dating for kicks. This may be it and I need Douglas' blessing to think about it full heartily. There is a couple other things I need to get past too and I am sure they will all get aired, eventually for people to weigh in on and to get them off my mind.

For right now I am wondering how to tell my best friend that he may not be the number one man in my life. Though I do not know if Dave is the "ONE" I do know what I am looking for and may just be on my way to finding that. This breaks my heart. Its like on Thursday part of me is going to die. I am sorry that this one is so random but I think that is what blogs are for?!

What point are we grown ups?

Today at my work some whoha that works "with" me (I don't work in any of her departments but we are always in the building together) called me a kid. I am 26 years old! I am sick of being called a kid!! I have finished college, had a executive position in a corporation, lived on my own, have fed my dog and paid for his bill for the last 4 years and have seen MYSELF through major health complication, does this not qualify me as an adult??

Excuse me for wanting to further my education and taking a step down of the corporate world!! Oh wait one fricken second... she is a 50 yr old in house keeping!! On top of that she has the audacity to have prayer hands on her arm?? I thought A) God does not support defacing ones body and B) You should not judge other, unless you would like to have the same done un to you!!!

Oh I guess I should say the reason I was called a kid... I was wearing pajama pants and hat (I have a thing for silly winter hats, and since it is 29 degrees and a white out a hat is a necessity). I get that a typical person does not wear pajama pants to work... this morning I was lifeguarding!! In case you haven't noticed pools smell like chlorine and chlorine does not smell great, unless you like the smell of bleach saturated into your cloths. I am sorry but I spend money on my cloths and would like it if they did not reek of a pool. PJ pants cost what 10 dollars and I am positive my dog does not care that they smell funny and are discolored around the bottom!! So I ask you what now a days qualifies one as an adult? What I can tell it is something that you must look like and life accomplishment and practicability is NOT considered nor is life experience. I guess you just have to look old an withered and have a dead end job at the same time cut others down!!

People SUCK!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Habitual goal setting

I have come to the conclusion that I set to many goals for my self and have to start choosing which are important and which can just become hobbies that do not impede my life.

I have just realized that at the ripe old age of 26 I have way more goals than I have time to achieve them, or at least achieving them in my set time frame. One thing I really want to do is write and in order to write well one must write often and though I have been aware of this for years I have yet to follow through on it. Unfortunately writing is one of those aspiration I am not willing to let die which mean it has to become a habit. One of the goals I have to lose is achieving all I can at work. Work is just a job. By no means do I intend to have it become a career and I think I must start repeating that frequently to my self.

I think I am the only person who has this many goal at this young/ old of an age. I am sure most 60 year olds have their days planned to a T and I know that any child you ask will rattle off at least 6 professions they dream of most of them requiring 6+ years of school. How many people in their late 20's have three different career goals requiring three degrees? This is not including the two they already have. I know it is the American dream to have the world and accomplish all you wildest desires but really how much is too much?